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The Great Ethiopian Run 2024
In November 2024, a team representing Project Harar participated in the Great Ethiopian Run, raising crucial funds to provide access to cleft lip and palate treatment for children across Ethiopia.
Gamby Hospital-Bahir Dar, Amhara Cleft Programme August 2024
In August 2024, seventy-two children from across the Amhara region, traveling for up to three days, arrived at Gamby Hospital to receive life-changing cleft lip and palate treatment.
Asosa General Hospital - May 2024
In May 2024 Project Harar ran a programme in Benishangul Gumuz region in Asosa, where more 48 families arrived to receive treatment for their child’s cleft conditions. Watch the video below to learn more about the impact Project Harar had…
A tribute to Anne McNicholas
17.04.41 - 23.02.24
We pay tribute to Anne McNicholas who passed away on 23rd February 2024 peacefully, surrounded by her family.
The gift that keeps on giving.
Project Harar is privileged to be supported by through their Premium membership.
June Newsletter
As spring is coming to an end, we wanted to share with you some of the exciting things we have been up to, as well as share some upcoming projects!
Smiles for more than 100 families
In March 2023 Project Harar ran a programme in Bahir Dar, where more than 100 families turned up to receive treatment for their child’s cleft conditions. Watch the video below to learn more…
Golden Tulip Fundraising Event
In March our charity ambassador Meron Beyene hosted a reception at the Golden Tulip Hotel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to showcase the work of Project Harar. We are so grateful to Meron for organising the evening and Golden Tulip for generously providing the venue. Thank you to everyone who attended and pledged donations, the funds raised really do change lives!
A PH Short Film With John Hurt
Watch a short film of our late patron, John Hurt, on a trip to Ethiopia to see the work that Project Harar are doing:
Stories from our Cleft Programme
Watch a video where families from our cleft programme share their stories:
Words into action: Over 100 families access treatment in March after awareness raising campaign
Read about the effects of Covid-19 in The Amhara region and the action taken by Project Harar to combat the obstacles of providing healthcare in a pandemic.
Brother and Sister Tigist and Adane
Brother and sister, Tigist and Adane, were born with cleft lip and palate. We met the family in March 2022, when Ten year old Tigist was having her surgery for her cleft palate and her three year old brother Adane was having his first surgery for his cleft lip in the Amhara region.
Empowering Meettii through cleft care
We are so happy that my daughter got this chance. I really am thankful for her to get this treatment at this age. Now she can be more confident and go where ever she wants and play with her friends. And also she can go to school being happy without stressing how children react. This chance really changed Meettii's life.
Supporting Ibsaa
Seven year old Ibsaa came with his grandfather from a rural area of Oromia, it took them almost a full days journey to reach Ambo city for Ibsaa's cleft treatment. Ibsaa lost his parents when he was small, his grandfather raised him.
Josephine Crown appointed to UK Board of Trustees
“I'm delighted to join Project Harar as a Board Member as it enters its 21st year. Project Harar is a charity close to my heart, I have followed its journey closely over the years with my late husband Jonathan who founded the charity in April 2001. I am inspired to join Project Harar in the next part of its journey, in its mission to help families from the most difficult to reach areas in Ethiopia reach the vital treatment they do urgently require."
Project Harar receives partnerships for global health grant from THET
We are pleased to announce that we have received a partnerships for global health grant from THET (Tropical Health and Education Trust) - supporting a multidisciplinary surgical training programme, including surgical, anaesthetic and nursing training, in collaboration with Yekatit-12 Government Hospital, Addis Ababa.
From fears to assurance with provided treatments
It’s amazing to see that what I dreamed of for our child has come true. My daughter is beautiful and she was always beautiful. It made me really happy when I saw her face for the first time after the surgery. And I know when she grows up and hears the story of how she got treatment, she will feel lucky that she was to receive it at this young age. She will feel happier than me. Thank you for all you did for our daughter and our family.